the wings vibrate "bee"cause they move
Incorrect. The abdomen is the third section of a bee's body, after the head and thorax. It is where vital organs such as the stinger, digestive system, and reproductive system are located.
Its body is similar to a bee, and the wings are shaped like a moth. I know it is not a dragonfly.
A bee has four wings.
Xylocopa violacea, Violet Carpenter Bee
bee's eg the bee's wings - the wings of the (one) bee
Like most insects a bee has four wings.
The honey bee has six legs attached to its thorax.
scolia ardens or scolia dubia (has yellow spots on body)?
A bee has two pairs of wings. The front and back wings are hooked together to function as a single pair during flight.
it is for the wings and legs to be, and to be a part of the body. The bee has three parts of it's body the ''abdomen ''thorax and the ''stinger. is that right?
Honey bees have 2 pairs wings. The front wings are larger than the hind wings and the two are synchronized in flight with a row of wing hooks (humuli, singular: humulus) on the hind wing that hitch into a fold on the rear edge of the front wing. When the bee is at rest, the wings separate and fold flat against the thorax.