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Beetles get their energy from the food that they eat. Since there are a great many different species of beetles, there is also a variety of food items that beetles eat.

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13y ago

Insects can obtain nutrients from lots of things. A lot of it comes from what they eat. Plus, just like we get vitamin D, sunlight could be a good source for many insects as well. Also, when you think of a bug you think of antennas which suck juice from foods and luquids. And one last resource of nutrients for insects is from the soil 75% of the bugs walk on each and every day.

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12y ago

they use there hunting skills, each bug has diff. hunting skills like some use poisin they have inside of them to take down there pray

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From its food.

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13y ago

The same way you do.

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Q: Where does a butterfly get its energy?
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How does a butterfly get its energy?

Like you and me they get energy from the food they get.

What are the energy roles of a Baltimore checkerspot butterfly?

The Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly has very short legs. In terms of energy, it is much more efficient for the butterfly to fly rather than walk.

How does a butterfly obtains energy?

A butterfly can obtain energy by drinking. Butterflies usually drink things like nectar, because they donâ??t have mouths that can chew.

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The butterfly in Woozworld feeds on nectar from flowers. Nectar provides the butterfly with the energy and nutrients it needs to survive and thrive.

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they get their energy from the food they eat and from the sun, because they are solar powered.

Which stage will the butterfly need the least amount of energy?

And if you had not written in that block- which tells the computer your question has been answered, you would have had an answer. The least energy is when the chrysalis is cocooned up, changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

What energy roles of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly are their?

food is the role to baltimore

Were does the butterfly gets the energy from?

Butterflies, in most cases, get their glucose for ATP formation from flowers.

Which factor determines how fast a butterfly is moving?

The size and shape of a butterfly's wings, as well as the surrounding environmental conditions such as wind speed, temperature, and air density, play a significant role in determining how fast a butterfly can move. Additionally, the butterfly's metabolic rate and energy levels can also impact its speed.

What kinds of food does the monarch butterfly rely on to give it energy for the long journey?

Milkweed is the preferred nectar of the monarch butterfly. They will also feed on clovers, thistles, goldenrods, ironweed, and sunflowers.

How do you control a 200 meter butterfly?

Glide, Try not to use too much energy, and breath a lot.