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Well, you don't really keep ants as pets, its tyering the animal.

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Q: Where do you put pet Ants?
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Related questions

How many ants should you have as a pet?

When owning ants, you have pets, not just a pet. If you want a pet get one.

What pet stores sell queen ants?

No. You can find a queen in the spring when ants swarm .

Are ants good pets?

Ants can be fascinating to observe, but they are not typically considered good pets. Ants have specific colony needs, such as a queen, larvae, and a variety of worker ants, which can be difficult to maintain in a captive environment. Additionally, some ants species can deliver painful bites or stings.

Will my pet be ok if she ate some small black ants?

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How many ants in 2000?

Put 10 ants in a row. Now put ten such rows next to each other so that you have a square of ten by ten ants, giving you 100 ants. Now put 20 such squares of ants on top of each other, 20 ants high. This gives you a block of 10X10X20 ants. That would be 2000 ants. The same would be true of dice, or bricks, or basketballs.

Can ants actually get inside a refrigerator?

only if you put in food that already has ants in it.

Why does your pet ant hate you?

Ants cannot feel hate towards a human.

What do you do when your pet ants nest swarms?

Be careful and if they start trouble, set them free!

Name a common pet that would be weird to actually pet?

snake lizard bird fish

What is the word when you have to put your pet to sleep?

When you put a pet to sleep, you euthanized it.

What bug could you keep as a pet besides pramantis and walking sticks?

Praying Mantis, Stick Insects, Tarantula, Snails, Ants...almost anything. my sister bought a special tank and put garden snails in it

Are there any ant traps or poisons to get rid of carpenter ants that are pet safe?

Niban is a great product.