no lice comes on dirty places
Depends whether you use same pillows/pillowcases, or come into contact with their head or anything that touched their head...
You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice
who discovered headlice
No, dogs do not get head lice. Head lice are specific to humans and cannot be transmitted to dogs.
No, pets cannot get head lice. Head lice are specific to humans and do not infest animals.
Head lice is actually already the plural form. The singular is head louse.
No. You cant get head lice from chips.
No only humans get Head Lice
If Hamsters somehow happen to get Head Lice the Lice will not live
Head lice have been documented throughout history, including in ancient Egypt. The first known mention of head lice dates back to around 1550 BC in a medical text called the Ebers Papyrus. This suggests that head lice have been a human parasite for thousands of years.
No, dogs cannot get head lice. Head lice are specific to humans and do not infest animals like dogs.