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To be honest with you, they aren't actually Spiders, but arachnids.

They will tend to live in places like webs. That is the reason why sometimes you find them in your house. In the corners of houses.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Remember that there is also a kind of creature with eight legs but only one main body part that is also called "daddy long legs" or "grand daddy long legs." Those animals are not spiders.

The "daddy long legs" spider is sometimes called the "cellar spider" because they like to find places like cellars that are pretty dark most of the time, don't usually have wind, etc. There are probably lots more of these spiders now that humans make houses for them to live under, but any place that is similar to a cellar, such as a cave, will also give these spiders a good place to live.

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14y ago

In our yard!

Megan Washington, 12 & Liam O'Briant, 9 (step siblings)

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13y ago

Well, I know they live in Maine. I have seen them first hand, but I'm not sure about other places.

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13y ago

usually in the corners of walls or in buckets, bushes or drain pipes.

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13y ago

Usually just in a corner of a wall or doorway. It makes a home in a place just as any other common spider, I hope I helped!

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Q: Where do the daddy long legs make their web home?
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Granddaddy Long Legs do no make a sound that people can hear they are small and feather light. They are one of the most poisonous spiders there is thankfully their mouths are to small to harm humans.

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If you're referring to the crane fly then it's because it's not actually a spider.

Can daddy long legs make their own webs?

Yes, they can regrow their legs back when it goes missing or accidentally come off.

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they take shelter in your ear... good luck

Are daddy long leg spiders poisonous to humans?

Yes, technically a daddy or grand daddy long legs spider is venomous and could be dangerous especially to a baby. The spider has very small fangs that can puncture the skin but very rarely bites a human.

How do daddy longlegs protect themselves?

Using their legs daddy-long-legs spiders can make themselves almost invisible. By rapidly shaking when hanging in their web they create a motion-blur and because of their long thin legs the image of the spider vanishes almost completely. A very effective technique to outwit predators.

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Are long legs good to have long legs?

yess!!! They are amazing to have!!! Long legs make a girl gorgeous!!! I am 5"0 and have short legs:( Everybody always make fun of me for being short. you are so lucky to have long legs. i used to make fun of people wih long lags but i was just jealous.

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Make Room for Daddy - 1953 Terry Comes Home 7-1 was released on: USA: 5 October 1959

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Is a daddy long-leg an insect?

NO, Daddy-Long Legs can refer to two types of Arachnid (8-Legged). Arachnids and Insects (6-Legged) are two different classes of Arthropods (meaning "Jointed Leg"), other arthropods include the Decapods (10-Legged) which include crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. Within the Arachnids, you have: Ticks, Scorpions, Mites, Harvestmen, and Spiders. One animal referred to as "Daddy Long-Legs" is the Harvestman, which is NOT a spider or an insect, but is a type of arachnid called an Opillione. They do NOT bite, and can, (unlike spiders, eat solid food. Harvestman Daddy-Long Legs are forest dwelling creatures which eat Detritus (decaying material) such as old leaves, old fruit, old mushrooms, and dead animal matter. They are wonderful, beneficial animals. The other animals referred to as "Daddy Long-Legs" are harmless spiders known as basement spiders, or Pholcids (Order: Araneae, Family: Pholcidae). These spiders are the thin gray spiders in the corners of basements and bathrooms who are often responsible for making cobwebs (probably the only thing considered negative that they can do). They are very cool to play with because their defense is to swirl around and make themselves look blurry so they are hard to see in their messy webs. If you see one, touch it, it will start shaking around and blend in visually with it's web. They catch a lot of bad bugs and are good to keep around if you don't mind the cobwebs. Contrary to popular belief, they do NOT have the strongest venom in the world, nor very strong venom at all, and are quite a shy and harmless kind of spider. Neither kind of "Daddy Long-Legs" will ever bite a person, and they are both beneficial animals in the Arachnid class. They are NOT insects.