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Mostly in ogercaves, but sometimes when they marry a snail they live with him in his shell. You might also find ogers in the houses of the people they ate.

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10y ago

Normally they eat everything, but their favorites are other ogers and rubber ducks.

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What is the lifespan of a oger-faced stick spider?

Ogers live forever.

Why do ogers eat spiders?

Ogers eat everything.

Did ogers use to be real?

Ogers exist today. They're among us.

Can cats and donkeys talk to ogers?

Cats and donkeys can talk to ogers without any problem, but the ogers won't understand them. Ogers don't have any linguistic or verbal systems, and since ancient times they hit each other in order to communicate.

Why are ogers slimy?

Ogers constantly produce colorful slimy slime due to their genetic complications of being fat. Ogers use their slime to eat and clean themselves, but also to stiffen their hair.


oger oger

Are ogers dark skinned?

Definitely, ogers can be dark skinned though its quite rare. Dark skinned ogers are called 'Niggerogers' and they are especially good at niggerogerizing anything, from people to tractors and rubber ducks.

Can ogers be red?

Of course they can! Ogers are born with a large variety of colors, although deep ogerized purple is the most common one.

Are ogers fat?

Of course they are! They only eat!

Are ogers animals?

A more accurate question would be: "Are animals ogers?". You have to understand that ogers are a large group of beings and objects that includes a little more than half the mass of our world. Between the animals, the hamster is the most ogerized one, and the others are currently in ogerizing processes.

Are ogeres real?

It depends: in case you mean 'ogers', yeah, they're real. But if you mean 'ogres', they aren't (unless you're talking about oger ogres).

How do you strike the ogers on poptrropica?

You don't, they'll just reogerize themselves and then ogerize you.