

Where do ladybirds live?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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11y ago

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In leaves

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Mark Greenholt

Lvl 13
2y ago
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11y ago

Ladybirds live in wheat or longer-grass fields- and they hide in the cracks of the trees!!

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15y ago

In leaves

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Q: Where do ladybirds live?
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Do ladybirds live in deserts?

Yes, ladybirds (or ladybugs) can be found in deserts.

Do ladybirds live in trees?


Do ladybirds need air to live?

Yes, all living creatures require oxygen to live.

What habitat does a ladybird have?

ladybirds live in all parts of the worldexcept Antarctica.

How are ladybugs and bees different?

Although bees and ladybirds are both insects, there are many differences between them, such as: * Bees live in Hives, Ladybirds do not * Bees have stingers, Ladybirds have no sting, but they do bite * Bees feed on pollen and nectar, Ladybirds live on aphids and other small insects. * Bees live in colonies and are dependent of the social structure, Ladybirds are independent. Bees and ladybugs belong to completely different insect orders and are therefore about as different as crocodiles and hippopotamuses. Bees are hymenoptera, ladybugs are beetles.

How long do seven spotted ladybirds live for?

They live forever in your heart!...even when they are gone, they are always looking down on you ;)

What other names do ladybirds have?

ladybugs or ladybirds

Do ladybirds have a skeleton?

yes ladybirds has skeleton

Where are ladybirds found?

ladybirds are found in the woodlands and beaches some ladybirds can kill so watch out. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long is a ladybird pregnant?

Ladybirds lay eggs and do not become pregnant (they do not give birth to live young).

Do ladybirds eat lichen?

No. Ladybirds mostly eat aphids.

Do sparrows eat ladybirds?

no, sparrows don't eat ladybirds