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The plankton eating fish are most likely to live in the warmer and more aerated sections of the freshwater lake. Plankton thrive in areas that are not too frosty.

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Q: Where are plankton eating fish most likely to live in a freshwater lake?
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Where are plankton-eating fish most likely to live in a freshwater lake?

The limnetic zone

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How does sunlight effect what lives in freshwater bodies?

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The correct wording is why do freshwater fish eat feces. The answer is that they do not absorb nutrients well so they have to digest the food, now feces, twice. Zaragotha (Zara)

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no.... if there is no algae there is no plankton... if there is no plankton there is no fish or baby fish

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Can you get tapeworm from sushi?

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