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It was the Mormon Cricket, not locusts, that swarmed and began to destroy the Mormon's crops. The "Mormon Cricket" is actually not a cricket at all, it is a migratory shieldbacked katydid common in many western states. Mormon Crickets are known to periodically form large swarms, which is exactly what happened to the Mormons.

The Mormon's crops were saved by California Gulls, which came in and ate the crickets. Today, Utah's state bird is the California Gull, in honor of their saving the Mormon pioneers in this "Miracle of the Gulls".

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Q: When locusts swarmed in to eat Mormon crops what followed and ate them?
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Why does man often see locusts as being pests?

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What are locusts and what happens to the crops in an area attacked by locusts?

Basically locusts are little parasites that kills crops. The crops slowly die off because the locusts treat them like host.

How do you use locusts in a sentence?

There were locusts in the backyard that ate my crops.

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Some biotic factors, such as locusts, eat crops.

What are the harmfull effects of locusts?

The most harmful effect of locusts are the damage to agriculture. A swarm of locusts can wipe out crops, causing a food shortage and rising prices in grocery stores. Lost crops can put farmers in debt, or out of business.

What is the ecological niche of a locust?

Locusts are similar to the grasshopper and have the ability to devastate crops. Locusts are herbivores and they have a very short lifespan.

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Locusts will eat bark, leaves, fruit, almost any type of vegatatin

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Plagues of Locusts.

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Numerous things, including locusts, mice and other things.

Is locust a pest?

Normally the numbers of locusts are not too intrusive. But when the locusts swarm in vast numbers and migrate to new areas, human food crops can be stripped bare.

What do you call a large number of insects or animals that destroy crops?

Infestation perhaps, but a plague of locusts.

What does a locust feed on?

Locusts feed on vegetation - ANY vegetation... from flower leaves to commercial crops.