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In cooler climates like the northeast: early June to early July the adult moth takes flight. In warmer climates there can be two broods. More in very souther climates. Adults emerge from their cocoons in mid morning. Larvae which grow to approx. 3.5 inches are mostly green throughout their five larval stages and spend about one week in each stage except the longer fifth instar (stage). This is all I can contribute at this point.

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13y ago

It depends on the species. Some overwinter as a caterpillar and make their cocoons in the spring. Then the moths come out in the summer. Other species are caterpillars in the summer, cocoons in the winter, and moths in the spring. In tropical and subtropical areas, broods occur year-round, and moths can be found emerging as adults any time of the year. There are several hundred species of tiger moths in North America alone.

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From the sound of it you have a Garden Tiger Moth.

What kind of caterpillar is black with a orange stripe down the back?

KalabiekuesthaTS NOT THE NAME OF THE CATERPILLAR UNLESS YOU SPELLED IT WRONG CUZ THAT sounds like me caterpillar fuzzy black and one orange stripe down its back and orange feet