If snails incresed in number , they will eat up the water plants and so the fishes will also die for food.
The population of water snails, tadpoles, and stickleback would become higher because the water beetles would not be eating them. Then the tadpoles, sticklebacks, and water snails would eat all the food that all the other insects in the pond were eating.
Yes, snails will overpopulate a pond if you let them. It will take a while, but they might. You can bye fish that eat snails, if you want them.
because land snails normally stay on land and pond snails stay in the water
There are beneficial snails and problem snails. Good snails would be welcomed in a pond setting as they would help control algae growth. Problematic snails over populate their habitats.
No, snails are not producers. They do not make their own food.
in ponds.DOI?!!
The word pond would become obsolete.
Yes, aquarium snails can live in a pond environment as long as the water conditions are suitable for their survival.