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Termites love dead wood, so it would already be rotting. You would see little lines down the wood and maybe holes into it. Much like ants in a log, just smaller.

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Q: What will it look like on the wood if you have termites?
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How do termites get food?

Termites get food from hunting fir it. Termites like to eat wood. You can find termites in forests and even in a home that is made out of wood.

Do baby termites look like a maggot?

Yes they do look similar only a lot smaller and the big thing that should tip you off to the difference is that termites eat wood and a maggot will be on a dead animal.

How does one detect termite nests?

One detects termites having eaten wood along the foundation of their home by the crumbling apart of wood and little white insect larve called termites. Termites when mature look like ants with wings. They will be living under that rotten wood when you pull it apart from the foundation.

What music do termites eat wood faster to?

well, termites eat wood faster when you play loud thumping music like rock or something. well, termites eat wood faster when you play loud thumping music like rock or something.

How do termites and woodlice help in decay of wood?

Termites chew up solid wood and organisms in their guts digest this releasing the nutrients in the wood to the termites.

What is the relationship between termites and the cellulose?

Termites eat cellulose. Wood is made of cellulose so termites eat wood.

What white insect likes to eat wood?

termites like to eat wood and are white so termites would be your answer

Do termites eat yakal wood?

termites eat plenty kinds of wood but definitely NOT a yakal wood, kamagong wood and molave wood.

Is wood part of a ladybug diet?

No, they do not digest cellulose like termites.

Do termites eat plant?

Termites eat wood.

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roaches eat termites

Do termites eat snakes?

no, termites eat wood, but snakes might eat termites