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What they will slowly die of

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They would slowly die off.

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13y ago

they will die

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Q: What will happen to the number of horseshoe bats if insects are killed?
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What is two reason number of insects species may have increased when flowering plants appeared?

With more chances to eat, insects can reproduce more. Another reasons flowering plants helped increased the number of insects is with flowering plants around, insects can remain in an safer environment than if they were in the woods. With a safe environment, less insects are killed by predators, causing their population to increase over time.

How does the number of insects that fall into the liquid affect the number of these useful bacteria?

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If the numbers of insects reached plague proportions ia an ecosystemthis might cause a decrease in the number of rabbits is it true or false?

Well it kinda is true and false because rabbits are being killed for their lucky rabbits foot.And that their are barely insects and people sometimes say there are no insects at all.So that qestion is kinda difficult.Please ask any more qestions.

What happens to the number of insects in an area when the number of bats go down?

Most likely, the number of insects will increase because there are less bats to eat them!!

Which is smaller the 14G or 16G for the horseshoe piercing?

16gauge is smaller. The larger the number, the smaller(thinner) the gauge

What is the number of insects that are on earth?


What is a number of insects called?
