Mechanical waves
Mechanical waves
Insects use electromagnetic waves, specifically ultraviolet (UV) light, to locate nectar sources. Many flowers have ultraviolet patterns that guide insects to their nectar, as insects can see in the UV spectrum.
Some insects use ultraviolet waves to find nectar. The ultraviolet light leaves marks on flowers, and the insects can sense them and find the nearby nectar.
Bees find nectar primarily through their sense of smell. They can detect the scent of nectar from flowers using their antennae. Once they locate a source of nectar, they will collect it and bring it back to the hive to make honey.
For generating energy from the power of the waves or tidal-barrages.
Geologists locate the epicenter of an earthquake by analyzing the arrival times of seismic waves from the earthquake recorded by seismographs at different locations. By triangulating the arrival times from at least three stations, they can pinpoint the epicenter where the waves intersect.