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The bees that die : Honey bee.

The bees do not die : Hornets, Yellowjackets/wasps, and bumblebees.

those are the bees i know that die/do not die

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all except for the honey bee

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bam bees

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Q: What types of bees sting more than once before they die?
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The queens and workers can but their sting does not have barbs like a the honeybee, so they can sting more than once. Male's cant sting because they don't have a stinger. Males have a genital capsule for mating.

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Many types of animals sting in a variety of ways. Wasps, bees, jelly fish, anenomies, sting rays, and scorpions as well as many more.

Why do wasps not die when they sting you?

Unlike bees, wasps have a smooth sting and can easily withdraw it after stinging. They can also sting more than once.

Are bees more like nettles or spiders?

Nettles - because they can sting.

Does a queen bee have poison?

Queen bees have the same ability to sting as worker bees. The big difference is that the queen's sting is smooth, so she can withdraw it easily.Read more: Do_queen_bees_have_poison

What are the difference between bees and wasp?

Bees vs WaspsWasps hurt a lot more believe me!! and wasps are faster and they sting more then once

Are hornets more dangerous than bees?

Hornets are much bigger and their sting is much more painful than bees. Hornets can also sting more than once because it doesn't detach form its body unlike bees. Hornets tend to be more agressive than bees, but they are much less aggresive in general than wasps.

Does a queen bees sting hurt more?

they all hurt but the ones that have a bigger sting hurts more

What do bees sting?

Make a paste of water and baking soda and spread it on the site of the sting. This will take the pain away.

Why are killer bees dangirous?

They are more dangerous, not because their sting is any worse than that of any other honey bee, but because they are more defensive so are far more ready to sting, and tend to sting in larger numbers.

What are killer bees really like?

They look just like any other honey bees. The only difference is that they are more defensive, so are more ready to sting.

Can bees sting other bees?

Yes, they can -- and do!Bees entering the hive are checked by the guard bees to see whether they belong to that colony. If an unrecognized bee is carrying nectar or pollen and behaves in a submissive manner when challenged, more than likely it will be allowed in. If it is carrying nothing, or if it doesn't submit then it will be repelled. If it persists, the guard bees will sting it and kill it.