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Q: What type of skin does a butterfly have?
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What type of skin does a monarch butterfly has?

Insects such as butterflies do not have skin, they have shells, technically chitinous exoskeletons, made of protein.

What is a butterfly species?

A type of butterfly

What are the characteristics of butterfly fish?

Butterfly fish are saltwater fish. They can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. They are small in size, have colorful bodies, and live in tropical as well as subtropical waters. Butterfly fish have elongated noses and scale type skin.

What type of insect is the Monarch butterfly?

A butterfly

What word connects a type of butterfly with royalty?

The word that connects a type of butterfly with royalty is monarch

How often does a butterfly need to rest?

It depends what type of butterfly

What type of animal is a butterfly?

A butterfly is an insect of the order Lepidoptera.

How long does a butterfly stay as a catapillar?

It depends on the type of butterfly.

Does a butterfly have wings?

Yes with different patterns depending on the type of butterfly.

What type of butterfly is a blue and black one?

Blue Morpho Butterfly

Swimming is to butterfly as what is to dressage.?

Riding. Butterfly is a specific type of swimming--dressage is a specific type of horseback riding.

Why caterpillars need to shed their skin when they grow bigger and you humans do not?

To tern into a butterfly or to keep there skin safe.