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(GRAMMAR TROLL ALERT!!): A worm is not a virus, just to clear that misconception up. Almost every casual computer user thinks that anything that can infect your computer is a virus, well their wrong. Trojans aren't viruses, worms aren't viruses, rootkits aren't viruses.

The sole purpose of a worm is to keep replicating itself and then distribute the copies to infect other computers. Worms just keep on copying and copying themselves until your computer grinds its teeth to a halt and eventually crashes. During the time in which your computer is slowing down, a hacker who is viewing the infected computer may enact a Denial of Service Attack or download more malware onto the victim's computer. Worms also have the ability to infect computers that are all connected to the same network as of the infected computer.

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14y ago

Hi, in my opinion, after working with computers for years now. I have found that viruses affects different ways to your computer system, in most cases, begins slowing down your computer system speed, the reason is because the viruses program its working since your computer boots up an is using your computer resources with out you know this, some times it pops up many garbage, like promotions, principal anti virus software's apparently trying to help you remove the viruses from your computer, it seems like they pay to be like this, if you ignore all this and just keep working on your computer with the time the virus affects your system files, stopping the system from work normal, till you end on a black or blue screen. Then the only option you have is to do a hall system clean up, to remove any garbage from your computer, and install a completely clean operating system, install all your favorite soft again, and start over. About your personal information, there ara ways to bring it back, before formatting your hard drive with other computer, but if you have low experience, you must ask for help to some one who knows how, its not difficult.

In my opinion the best way to be free of viruses, its using your common sense, first you mus have a clean system. New computer all ready have many garbage, you must clean it out. Then be away from free stuff like happy faces, weather bugs, downloading free games, or free software, or going in to porno sites, if your like to download music its fine, just make sure you have an anti virus and scan your music before your play it, many times they are not music files, they are just fake music files but when you play them apparently nothing happens, there is when you have to be worry, because it could be a virus, and your wont notes this till you reboot, or after few days.

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What type of virus does not damage files but makes computers run slowly?

A Worm

What is the diff between a Virus and a warm?

Do you mean Worm? A Worm is a type of virus. Just like in humans, the Flu is a type of virus. A worm is a specific type of virus, and refers to viruses which use exploits to enter a system.

How does a worm virus work?

A worm virus is a type of malware that self-replicates and spreads over computer networks, exploiting vulnerabilities in software to infect other devices. Once a device is infected, the worm can execute malicious actions like stealing data, causing damage, or creating backdoors for further attacks. Worm viruses can spread rapidly, causing widespread damage if not contained quickly.

What is the potentially damaging computer program?

a virus could also be a worm, trojan, etc.

What type of virus mutates more easily?

The best type of replicating virus is what we call worm. Worm replicates very spontaneously. When you inserted a USB or any external device from a worm-infested computer, these devices may be severely infected.

What is a program that copies itself throughout a network?

It's called - a Virus.

What is a type of virus that works its way slowly through files and deposits its destructive codes?

a worm

What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself?

That would be the worm and the love bug, one of the most famous worm-like infections

What was the Internet worm?

internet worm is a type of virus that people use to attack or harm your computer. it will hurt your computer badly to a extent that u will have to buy a new hard drive for your computer. internet worm is not literally a living worm but a virus that slowly go into your computer and make your progame and file dead.

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Does WeeWorld give you a virus?

Yes, it does. It sends a worm that has all the adds on it and that causes a virus. That worm can do very bad damage to your computer OR your laptop. Also, the adds that pop up on your screen, don't click them because they will add more adds to that worm.

What is the first action a virus or a worm performs is?

Usually the first action that a virus or worm performs is to replicate itself. This attempts to ensure that the virus or worm spreads before being detected by a payload.