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The worm had a torpedo shaped head that allows movement through the dirt. It's almost microscopic ribs all along it's body all act like a separate foot pulling the worm in any direction it needs to go. The mucus that the worm secretes from it's body pacts the dirt to make tunnels, gives the worm an extra layer of protection, and makes it easier to slide within the tunnels it creates. Because of the mucus, the worm can move faster underground than if it was above surface. The worm's mouth is at the very tip of the torpedo shaped head so that in travel, the worm can also consume it's meal. The long body of the worm is filled with one large intestine and multiple hearts. Once the dirt is inside the worm's intestine, the nutrients are extracted as the dirt reaches the worm's anus and leaves the worm's body. All of these descriptions of the worm and the functions it's body has are adaptions the worm has so it can live in soil.

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lucifa ... 111 Ezekiel 28.14-19l whom his name was change to be called the devil commited fornication and rebelious in heaven although he was created by God to live on the earth and to lead songs in heaven.

before the war in Rev 12.7-11 God have 6 beast and the devil decieved 2 beast . as the dragon , the devil is in prison of hell , he then gave all his power to the first beast...333, Rev 13.1-5 which will rule for 42 months after rapture to create one system of worship and speak evil God. then second beast which is called the antichrist ....666 Rev. 13.11-18, will then rule to create one currency or code 666.. unitl the dragon will be loose for 1000 year then comes the final destruction of both the dragon, the fisrt and the second, demons, evil spirit, false prophet, priest, teachers, pastor, witches and witsad and all unbelievers. Rev. 14.9-11.

Devil can not produce neither son or daughter but he is a rebel and fornicator. i called him a castrated hellgoat.

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Q: What things help a worm survive in soil?
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Well, they do not eat them, but they help fertilize the soil under them.

What help are worms to us?

Garden worms fertilise the soil. Parasitic worm live inside you drikng your blood (I had a worm in my leg and it was horrible.)

What do the bristles on the exterior of an earthworm help it to do?

Called setae, the tiny bristles on each segment of a worm help it move through soil as well as grip another worm when mating.

How does soil affect the life of worms?

All soils contain different amounts of food for the (earth) worm to feed on. Also, the soil acts as the worms home and a shelter from predators such as birds. The soil can also effect how much water can reach the worm depending on the soil's thickness.

What are the Bristles on the ventral surface of a worm called?

The bristles on the ventral surface of a worm are called setae. These setae help the worm move and anchor itself while burrowing through soil or substrate.

What structures help an earthworm move through the soil and where are they located?

The Setae, located on the underside of the worm.

Is a worm carnivore?

No, worms are not carnivores. They are detritivores, meaning they feed on decaying organic matter in the soil. They help break down dead plant material and enrich the soil with their castings.

Is a earth worm a detritivore?

Yes, an earth worm is a Detritivore. It dwells in the soil and feeds on detritus such as soil with an organic component.