The structures that enable planarians to expel liquid waste are normally pores. The pores are found on the dorsal surface of the planarians.
idk what it is
Are you referring to defecate? If so then the intestines push the solid waste and expel it through the sphincter muscle, the bowel uses contractions (it looks very similar to an earth worm moving ) to squeeze the waste matter along it's length, a bit like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube.
The rectum is the structure that solidifies waste before it leaves the body. The rectum absorbs water from the waste material, which helps to form solid stool.
I hope so...
Like other birds, penguins have a cloaca at the end of their intestinal tract where waste collects until it is convenient for them to expel it. Also birds do not expel solid waste and liquid waste separately; it is all collected and mixed in the cloaca. In the winter when Antarctic Penguins gather on land to produce and raise their chicks, they do not produce waste since they are not eating or drinking; they live by metabolizing their body fat.
They Expel Waste
municipal solid waste is where the waste from households and businesses is produced
Fish expel solid waste into the water, they do not pick a spot like many land animals.
The astronauts on Apollo 11 used a urine collection device with a hose attached to expel waste into a tank. They also used fecal collection bags for solid waste, which were sealed and disposed of upon returning to Earth.
They take in oxygen, and expel Carbon dioxide as a waste product.