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Plants and butterflies have a symbiotic relationship. The plants benefit from the pollination services provided by the butterflies and the butterflies feed from the nectar of the flowers of the plants.

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Q: What relationship exists between plants and butterflies?
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What is competitive relationship?

A competition relationship is the struggle between animals as they try to use the same limited resource.

How is a butterfly dependent on a flowering plant?

Butterflies depend on flowering plants for nectar, which provides essential nutrients they need to survive. Additionally, butterflies lay their eggs on specific plant species, as their caterpillars rely on these plants as food sources. Therefore, the relationship between butterflies and flowering plants is mutually beneficial.

What do you call a relationship that exists between the plants and animals?

The relationship between plants and animals is called symbiosis. This relationship can take various forms, such as mutualistic, commensal, or parasitic, where both parties can benefit, one benefits while the other is unaffected, or one benefits at the expense of the other, respectively.

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What is the relationship between a plant and a butterfly?

A plant and a butterfly have a mutualistic relationship where the plant provides nectar for the butterfly to feed on, and in return, the butterfly helps in pollinating the plant by transferring pollen between flowers. This relationship is important for both species' survival and reproduction.

What kind of relationship exists between the hummingbirds and the flower plants?

It is a mutual relationship. The flower needs the hummingbird to drink nectar and get a dusting with the flower's pollen, so ensuring there is cross-pollination as the bird moves from flower to flower.

How do you altract butterflies?

You can attract butterflies by planting the plants they lay their eggs on (host plants) and flowering plants (nectar plants) for butterflies that are normally found in your area of the world. If you search the internet for 'butterfly host plants' you will be led to sites that give more specific information. What attracts butterflies in Florida may not attract butterflies in Iowa or Oregon. Butterflies are very picky about plants that they lay eggs upon.

Why do plants need butterflies?

butterflies need plants because they need to lay their eggs on the leaf!

What are two reasons the plants needs butterflies?

Plants need butterflies for two main reasons such as pollination. Plants also need butterflies to bring other animals into the ecosystem.

How does the plant benefit from butterflies?

Plants benefit from butterflies because they help in pollination as they move from flower to flower collecting nectar. Butterflies are effective pollinators due to their long tongues and ability to transfer pollen as they feed. Additionally, some plants have evolved to rely on specific butterfly species for pollination, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.