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answer #1) several ways. the most apparent is that they make honey, which we use in a very large percent of our sweet food products, such as ice cream, cake, and other items. honey is a large industry.

answer #2) Bees help by pollinating flowers, which helps the flowers reproduce to grow more flowers. They also provide humans with honey.

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14y ago

Honey, propolis and royal jelly.

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What is the importanbce of bees?

Bees pollinate plants and trees. Trees make air and food. Food feeds us. Plants look pretty and make food. Food feeds us. THE END

Why you need bees?

becuase bees pollinate the plants a make they stay alive a live and give oxygen to us so without bees we would most likely die or have limited resources over time killing us`!

What do honey bees do for us?

They make honey and fertilize flowers to prevent the lack of oxygen, therefore, keeping us alive.

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How are bees important to your society?

Bees are important for beeing bees and stinging all of us

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I do believe legalizing marijuana would benefit us economically, but not a whole lot politically. They would use hemp for most of the products. It wouldn't benefit the government because the hemp companies would be making a lot of money.

How do humans affect UK honey bees?

Humans affect honey bees by using insecticides in their gardens which kill the bees.

How are bees helpful?

Bees are helpful to us by making honey and speading pollenation

Who need bees?

Us! Bees pollinate plants and give us food like fruit and vegetables. Flowers also need bees to pollinate them so they can produce seeds and bloom.

Do bees eat us?

Sting us, yes. Eat us-no.

Are honey bees over populated?

No, the more honey bees the more honey for us