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Tulips are in the kingdom of Plantae. They are Angiosperms order Liliales and family of liliaceae. They have the genus Tulipa.

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Q: What phylum is a tulip in?
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What phylum is tulip?


What good quotes are there in the tulip touch?

tulip tulip how i want your babies. forever in my willy tulip torch baby.

What does a tulip do and what benefits from it?

benifits of tulip

What kingdom phylum class order genius and family species are for tulips?

TULIPDomain: EukaryaKingdom: PlantaeSubkingdom: ViridaeplantaeInfrakingdom: StreptophytaDivision: TracheophytaSubdivision: SpermatophytinaInfradivision: AngiospermaeClass: MagnoliopsidaSuperorder: LilianeOrder: LilialesFamily: LiliaceaeGenus: TulipaSpecies: Tulipa acuminata (Horned Tulip)Tulipa agenensis (Eyed Tulip)Tulipa aleppensis (Aleppo Tulip)Tulipa armenaTulipa aucherianaTulipa bataliniiTulipa bakeriTulipa bifloraTulipa borszczowiiTulipa botschantzevae (Botschantzeva's tulip)Tulipa butkoviiTulipa carinataTulipa celsianaTulipa clusiana (Lady Tulip)Tulipa creticaTulipa cypriaTulipa dasystemonTulipa didieriTulipa dubiaTulipa edulisTulipa ferganicaTulipa gesnerianaTulipa goulimyiTulipa greigiiTulipa grengiolensisTulipa heterophyllaTulipa hoogianaTulipa humilisTulipa hungaricaTulipa iliensisTulipa ingensTulipa juliaTulipa kaufmanniana (Waterlily Tulip)Tulipa kolpakowskianaTulipa korolkowii RegelTulipa kurdicaTulipa kuschkensisTulipa lanataTulipa latifoliaTulipa lehmannianaTulipa linifolia (Bokhara Tulip)Tulipa marjolettiiTulipa mauritaniaTulipa michelianaTulipa mongolicaTulipa montanaTulipa orphanidea (Orange Wild Tulip)Tulipa ostrowskianaTulipa platystigmaTulipa polychromaTulipa praecoxTulipa praestansTulipa primulinaTulipa pulchellaTulipa retroflexaTulipa rhodopeaTulipa saxatilisTulipa sharonensisTulipa splendensTulipa sprengeri BakerTulipa stapfiiTulipa subpraestansTulipa sylvestris (Wild Tulip)Tulipa systolaTulipa taihangshanicaTulipa tardaTulipa tetraphyllaTulipa tschimganicaTulipa tubergenianaTulipa turkestanicaTulipa undulatifoliaTulipa urumiensisTulipa urumoffiiTulipa violaceaTulipa whittalliTulipa zenaidae (Zenaida's tulip)

Which grows faster a tulip or roses?


Does a tulip have roots or rhizoids?

A tulip has rhizoids.

What is the odor of tulip flower?

what is the odor of a tulip

What is the name of tulip flower in sanskrit?


Can you give use a sentence for tulip?

The country of The Netherlands is associated with the tulip. The cat is sniffing the tulip.

When was The Black Tulip created?

The Black Tulip was created in 1850.

Does tulip mean tundra?

Tulip does not mean tundra. A tulip is a flower. Tundra is a type of cold land.

Where is the RED TULIP on wild west in poptropica?

there is no red tulip but the blue tulip is in the cave at rock ridge.