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Nectar is produced in organs called nectaries. They are usually at or near the base of the petals, but some plants have nectaries in other places such as in leaf axils or on the leaf itself.

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14y ago
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14y ago

the nectar comes from the roots then goes up the steam and into the middle part of the flower then bees come and take the nectar and make honey!

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Q: What part of the flower makes the nectar?
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What part of the flower attracts butterflies and other insect?

Nectar in the flower attracts the butterflies.

What part of the flower attracts butterflies?

Butterflies are attracted to nectar which are produced in the nectary glands of a flower.

Which part of the bee helps to collect nectar from flower?

It's tongue.

Which part of the flower brightly coloured to attract insects?

the pollen an the nectar

What attract insect to flower?

The thing that attracts an insect to a flower is the nectar inside the flower.

What is the part of plants that produce seeds nectar and sometimes beautiful colors?

It is called a FLOWER :)

Is nectar a flower?

No. But many flowers contain nectar.

How does the male part of a flower get to the female part?

It does by wind or pollination. The pollen is carried when the animal drinks the nectar, then it sticks onto the pistil when the animal lands on another flower.

How do inserts excrete?

insects have mouth part called probocis which help them to suck nectar of flower

Where are nectar found on which flower sex part stigma or anther?

Nectar can be found at the base of the petals or in nectaries located at various parts of the flower, including the base of the pistil (female part) or the base of the stamen (male part). It is produced by glands either within the floral parts or nearby.

Where in a flower is nectar?

in the ovary