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Peanuts grow underground. But, peanuts aren't truly nuts; they're legumes.

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a peanut is not a nut its is a legume

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12y ago

peanuts grow underground

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Q: What nuts come from underground?
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Which nuts grow underground?


Where do monkey nuts grow?

Monkey nuts grow under the soil.

What country do nuts come from?

Nuts come from the uk

Do monkey nuts grow under the soil?

No, monkey nuts (peanuts) grow underground. The peanut plant develops its peanut pods underground, making them a type of legume with a unique growth characteristic.

Are cashews walnuts and peanuts in the same family of nuts?

No, cashews and walnuts are tree nuts. Peanuts grow underground and are legumes.

Do Brazil nuts come from apple trees?

No, Brazil nuts come from the Bertholletia excelsa tree. Apples come from apple trees! Both apples and Brazil nuts do grow in Brazil.

Where do monkey nuts come from?

Monkey nuts are actually another term for peanuts, which are not true nuts but legumes. Peanuts grow underground as part of the roots of the plant, rather than on branches or trees like other nuts.

Where do nuts come from?

Most nuts grow on trees, including walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts. Pine nuts also grow on trees: they grow in the pine cones of certain pine trees. On the other hand, peanuts grow underground, so they are also called "ground nuts." Technically, they are not nuts but a legume or bean, so another name for peanuts is goober peas.

Which plants has nuts that grow underground and give oil when they are pressed?

Peanuts, they grow underground and are used to make peanut oil

Which country did nuts come from?


Where do pistachio nuts come from?

Iran,Afghanistan and Turkmenistan produce Pistachio nuts not Brazil

What are shelled nuts?

This is one type of fruit which grows underground, while stem and leaf grow aground. The peanut has shell like the shape "8"