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The Monarch butterfly became the Texas state insect by a 1995 resolution of the state legislature .

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Q: What months do the monarch butterflies migrate to Texas?
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Where do clear-winged butterflies migrate?

Down south in Texas. All butterflies go down there to migrate because it is practically hot all of the time so. there's your answer!!

Where do monarch butterflies migrate to?

In Winter they congregate in a forest in Mexico and in summer the migrate north over the continent of North America in spring, breading as they do so. Then in the Autumn the descendents of the migrating population fly South to their winter roost.

What is special about monarch butterflies?

Well, for one they are beautiful insects and they help pollinate our flowers. They are not better than other butterflies they are just more commonly known. ---- One of the unique features of the monarch butterfly is its annual migration pattern. Millions of monarch butterflies travel an estimated 4,800 km to winter in California and Mexico.

What is the official incect of Texas?

the Texas state insect is the monarch butterfly.

Do Italians migrate to Texas?

Of course, everyone wants to come to Texas! :)

What is the state insect for Texas?

The Monarch Butterfly.

What is the official Texas state insect?

The state insect for Texas is the Monarch Butterfly.

What is Texas state insect?

The Texas state insect is the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). It was designated as the state insect in 1995 due to its significance as a migratory species and its beauty. The Monarch butterfly is known for its distinctive orange and black patterned wings.

Can you give me information about any 5 migratory animals?

1. Grey Whale: These migrate for appropriate breeding conditions. Originating in arctic these whales do a 10.000 km journey to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. By spring time the baby whale calves are strong enough to go back to arctic. 2. Mexican free tailed bats: Mostly female migrate in spring from Mexico to Texas. Their babies called pups hang from walls while mother hunt for insects. The young bats fly quickly to return to Mexico. Following spring, young bats migrate to north to have their own babies. 3. Sand hill cranes migrate annually, summer to winter. They begin in the southern United States and move to northern Canada, Alaska, or Siberia. At the Platte River in Nebraska, these birds rest and feed on the plentiful corn left in the fields. When they finally reach Alaska or Siberia, the females lay their eggs. The baby colts are ready to migrate south again with the adults in the autumn. 4. Monarch butterflies: East of the Rockies, they migrate as far south to mountainous Mexico. West of the Rockies, their destination is near the Monterey Bay, California. Here the butterflies find warmth for the winter in eucalyptus and pine trees where they wait until spring. New generations of butterflies find their way each year. As the weather warms, the monarch butterflies fly north to eat and lay eggs on the poisonous milkweed plant, safe from predators. 5. Sockeye salmon migrate twice in their beginning and at the end. As they travel from the Pacific to rivers flowing into it, sockeyes turn bright red, indicating they are ready to spawn. They swim upstream to calm waters where the eggs are ready to be fertilized. Male salmon are exhausted after their excursion and they quickly die. Given another year or so, salmon fry will migrate downstream and repeat the cycle

Where are butterflies?

Actually, butterflies are commonly found in Texas.

Why did the the french migrate to Texas?

the French Texans migrated to Texas after moving south to Louisiana and looking for land they found it in Texas!

What is the official state insect?

The state insect for Texas is the Monarch Butterfly.