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Dead plants and animals would pile up if it were not for the earthworms.

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Q: What might happen to the soil if there were no earthworms?
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What would happen if earthworms went extinct?

If all the earthworms disappeared from a lawn, more earthworms would come in. But, if your question is that what would happen if earthworms would no longer live in a lawn, then the lawn would become less fertile, because earthworms keep the soil good.

Why is earthworms good for the soil?

Because earthworms eat just about every other organism in the soil.

What do earthworms tunnel in?

whichever substrate they happen to be found in whether it be thick, loamy soil or acidic podzolic soils.

Why are earthworms needed for soil?

they fertilize the soil

What can earthworms cling to soil with?

Earthworms cling to soil using their setae, which are tiny bristles located on their body. These setae help the earthworms move through the soil by gripping and anchoring onto the soil particles. This allows the earthworms to burrow efficiently and navigate through their environment.

How do earthworms aid in weathering?

The answer is that earthworms help to build soil and fertilize

Why cant earthworms live in water or soil that is saturated?

Earthworms require oxygen to breathe, and when soil is saturated with water, there is not enough air present for the earthworms to survive. The excess water limits the movement of air in the soil, causing oxygen levels to drop and suffocating the earthworms.

Why do you have earthworms?

Earthworms help decompose organic matter in compost heaps and in the soil.

What takes in food from the soil and helps enrich the soil?


Why do gardeners add earthworms to their soil?

they add fertility to the soil

In what layer of soil do earthworms live?

they live in rachin soil

How does oil affect earthworms?

Earthworms are an important part of the soil environment, and the growth of plants. Oil is deadly to earthworms.