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Q: What make fleas dance?
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Fleas make cat ill?

Yes, fleas can make a cat ill because the bites can get infected

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How do fleas help dogs?

Fleas make dogs suffer. They dont help one bit...

Where did the bubonic plague begin and how did it spread?

rats caried fleas and the fleas would make you sick

How many sand fleas does it take to get to the moon?

Sand Fleas don't have to brain power to make a rocket to make a successive moon landing...

How do you make sure there are no fleas on your dog?

use a flea comb to get rid of fleas on you dog. If you want also you can use dog shampoo ang get rid of fleas that way.

Do fleas make popping noise when killed?

Yes, fleas do pop sometimes when you squeeze them.

What are the best ways to control fleas?

The best way to control fleas is to make sure that the animal is clear of fleas before you clear the fleas in the house. Then use botanical acid mixed with borate acid to clear then from the house.

How can a dehumidifier be used to help control fleas in a home?

A dehumidifier can help control fleas in a home by reducing the humidity levels, which can make the environment less hospitable for fleas to thrive. Fleas prefer humid environments, so using a dehumidifier can help make the conditions less favorable for them to reproduce and survive.

Herbal help for pets fleas?

To help get rid of/keep away fleas, feed your animal garlic. This is a natural way to keep away fleas and it doesn't make your pet sick.

How do you make Lady Gaga dance?

Gust dance and she will dance with you. but make sure its to the song just dance or Alejandro or she will get mad.