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Northern Black Widow, and it is most likely poisonous.

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Q: What kind of spider is dime sized black with yellow spots and furry?
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What kind of spider has yellow spots on its back is black hairy and medium sized with a kinda fat body in Washington?

Argiope aurantia Lucas - yellow garden spider

What is the black widows appearance?

The black widow is a medium sized, black spider with a red mark on its abdomen that has the appearance of an hourglass.

What kind of spider is big and black and legs equal lengths?

>.< all spiders have equal sized legs and too there are a ton of species of spiders that are black

What spider is medium sized with brown and orange striped legs and an acorn shaped body its very furry and was found in Gillette wyoming?

Based on the description provided, the spider you encountered in Gillette, Wyoming is likely a Cross orbweaver spider (Araneus diadematus). These spiders are medium-sized and have brown and orange striped legs, along with a hairy acorn-shaped body. They are commonly found in various regions of North America and are known for their distinctive coloring and web-building behavior.

Is there 100 feet sized spider?

There are large ones but not that big

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A fiddle spider(also called the violin spider or the brown recluse) is a medium-sized venomous spider of North America. It is easily recognized by the violin shape on its abdomen.

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Jamaica's flag consists of diagonal triangles in black, green, and gold/yellow. The gold/yellow band is wider and represents the country's natural beauty and resources. The black triangles symbolize hardships overcome and green stands for hope and agriculture.

What Black spider with white stripe on back and balanced and equal sized front and bottom sections and has a more than more than 12 inch torso?

That should read half inch

What kind of spider has a lightning bolt ting on its back and is black?

Definitely a writing spider they are peaceful and i think they are beautiful!

Will bleach kill a spider?

yes it will... i just sprayed a huge spider with Clorox spray and it died instantly... all its legs curl up and it drops. Eventually it might... maybe it depends on the spider. I sprayed a average sized spider and stood horrified as it twitched for a good 20 minutes. The bleach did at least immobilize it. Yes it does but it's not as effective as spider spray I guess. I sprayed a middle sized spider almost 10 times with Clorox before it stopped moving.