It is a safe guess that that spider belongs either to Genus Latrodectus or Steatoda, both of which have very potent venom. Members of Latrodectus are among the most dangerous Spiders in the world. Noted members include the Black Widow spider, the Red-Back spider, and the Katipo Spider. Steatoda is generally much less harmful, and fatalities are almost unheard of. However, both can cause serious medical problems (Latrodectism and Steatodism respectively, because of the venom type, which attacks nerves and the heart, causing intense pain, difficulty breathing, and sometimes heart attack), and should be avoided. They are non-aggressive, and will only bite if threatened. But they have very poor eyesight (sometimes female spiders of said Gena will mistakenly consume their mate, having mistaken him for prey), and anything that disturbs their web and is too large for prey becomes a threat. If you believe you have found a member of Latrodectus or Steatoda, by no means disturb it. It can most likely kill you.
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