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Most probably a poisonous one?

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Q: What kind of spider has hairy legs and a yellow spot on its back?
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What kind of spider has yellow spots on its back is black hairy and medium sized with a kinda fat body in Washington?

Argiope aurantia Lucas - yellow garden spider

What kind of spider is hairy and has a red dot on its back and a cross on its back?

Could be a Black and Yellow garden spider, common the US west coast.

What kind of spider has yellow stripes like a yellow jacket and short heavy hairy legs?

Easy, a yellow hair-legged spider.

What kind of spider is small yellow spider with red rings on back?


What kind of spider is black and furry had has a yellow dot on its back?

a garden spider

What kind of spider is black hairy with some light brown on its back?

it is black light brown and hair............

What kind of hearty black spider would live in Michigan in the woods and has a white spot on his back and is quite hairy?

The spider you are describing could possibly be the gray cross spider (Larinioides sclopetarius). This spider is commonly found in wooded areas in Michigan and has a white spot on its back. It is known for its hairy body and is relatively harmless to humans.

What kind of spider is brown with green reflective spots on back?

An Arrowhead spider is brown with a green back. This spider is also known as a Triangle Orb Weaver. This spider is not venomous.

What kind of spider in California is brown and has two yellow stripes running lengthwise down its back?

The spider you are referring to is likely the yellow sac spider. Yellow sac spiders are brown with two yellow stripes on their back and are commonly found in California. They are not considered aggressive towards humans but can deliver a painful bite if provoked.

What kind of a spider looks like a hobo spider with the long legs and antenna but is less hairy and has a black W on its belly?

A Lol Spider? xD

What kind of animal would you find in a library?

A book worm or a huge hairy spider.

What kind of spider is Brown Hairy has long legs and is about 3 inches in diameter?
