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because your mom is stupid

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Q: What is this brown caterpillar?
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What kind of caterpillar is black with brown spots and has spikes on its spikes?

The caterpillar that is black with brown spots and has spikes on top of spikes is the passion butterfly. These caterpillars feed from the passionflower.

What hawkemoth does this caterpillar belong to caterpillar is green with back end horn and brown stripe along its back?

Not a Hawkmoth, this is a swallowtail butterfly caterpillar.

Is a black and brown fuzzy caterpillar a moth caterpillar or a butterfly?

A moth is what a fuzzy, black and red-brown caterpillar may change into.Specifically, the woolly bear caterpillar is a fuzzy black and red-brown. It often is seen curled up on the ground and around plantings in fall. It changes into the Isabella tiger moth (Pyrrharctia isabella).

You have found a small brown caterpillar what species is it?


Is tiger swallowtail caterpillar boy or girl?

the girl caterpillar will be brown and have large ''eyespots''. the boy will be green and have smaller ''eyespots''

What caterpillar has brown tufts of fur and long black antennae and tail?

The Rusty Tussock Moth or Vapourer, Orgyia antiqua

What kind of catrpiller is brown with fake eyes?

The caterpillar you are describing is likely the eyed hawkmoth caterpillar. It has a brown body with large fake eyespots on its back to deter predators by appearing larger and scarier.

What does a smooth brown caterpillar turn into?

grey moth

How can you use word pupa in a sentence?

the caterpillar will turn into a small brown pupa hidden in the leaf which will then emerge as a small brown moth.

What brown caterpillar ate your milkweed?

Type your answer here... your mum did

What does black brown and fuzzy caterpillars eat?

a black and brown fuzzy caterpillar eats....every thing that's a plant!