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A black widow is a spider I would look up pics too

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Q: What is the species of a black widow?
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What species is the black widow related to?

the spider family (Arachnid)

Female black widow?

A black widow spider is any of several species of venomous and potentially deadly Spiders, especially Latrodectus sp..

What black spider lives in Georgia that looks like a black widow but is all black?

The black widow is the only spider in Georgia known to resemble a black widow but be entirely black. If you spot a black spider in Georgia that looks similar to a black widow but is completely black, it is likely a black widow spider. While rare, variations in color can occur within the species.

What does a black widow spider scientific name?

There are multiple species called widow spiders in the family "Latrodectus." The most common species in the US is the Latrodectus Mactans.

What is the classification of a black widow?

Superdomain BiotaDomain EukaryotaKingdom AnimaliaSubkingdom BilateriaBranch ProtostomiaInfrakingdom EcdysozoaSuperphylum PanarthropodaPhylum ArthropodaSubphylum ArachnomorphaInfraphylum CheliceriformesSuperclass ChelicerataEpiclass EuchelicerataClass ArachnidaSubclass MicruraInfraclass MegoperculataOrder AraneaeSuborder OpisthothelaeInfraorder AraneomorphaeSuperfamily AraneoideaFamily TheridiidaeSubfamily LatrodectinaeGenus LatrodectusSpecies Latrodectus apicalis (Galapagos black widow spider).Species Latrodectus hesperus (Western black widow spider).Species Latrodectus variolus (Northern black widow spider).Species Latrodectus mactans(4) Subspecies Latrodectus mactans mactans(Southern black widow spider, black widow spider).(5) Subspecies Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus (European black widow spider, Mediterranean black widow spider).Subspecies Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus is sometimes considered as a different species: Latrodectus tredecimguttatus.

What is a Black Widow Spider?

A black widow spider is any of several species of venomous and potentially deadly spiders, especially Latrodectus sp..

Are there black widows spiders in Hawaii?

The three species of widow spider (Western Black, Southern Black and the Brown Widow) are all established here in Hawaii. They are not indigenous, having found their way here most times in freight or fruit coming from California. They are normally shy spiders and will only bite if cornered and threatened - or if you go after the egg sac. Males tend to not bite as their mandibles are very small - it is the female of the species that should be watched out for.

Who are the Black Widow Spiders Relations?

Black widow spiders are part of the family Theridiidae which includes other widow spiders. They are related to other species of Latrodectus including the redback spider.

Does black widow live in tabernas desert?

'The' black widow Latrodectus mactans lives in North America; Mexico and the United States. The species Latrodectus tredecimguttatus does live in Spain.

Black widow scientific name?

The scientific name of the black widow is Latrodectus mactans. It is a species of venomous spider known for its distinctive black body and red hourglass marking on the abdomen.

What is the kingdom phylum class order family genus species of a black widow spider?

I'm not entirely sure of the true population of Black Widow Spiders however, all of the research I have done says that Widow spiders in general are all doing quite well. The term "Widow" spider refers to around 31 separate species, only three of which are located throughout the United States. The Southern Black Widow, the Northern Black Widow, and finally the Western Black Widow. I don't know about the Southern and Northern Widows, but the Western Black Widow is supposedly incredibly over populated. Many people "kill on sight". Going around just the area I live in I have come across more than 100 Black Widows, approximately a city block in area. I can only speculate that the Black Widow numbers in the trillions, (1,000,000,000,000+). If you are bitten by a Black Widow Spider, or suspect that you have been bitten by one, seek IMMEDIATE medical treatment. When seeking medical help, if at all possible bring the spider (or what is left of it), with you. This is of great benefit to the doctor and staff that are trying to help you. It is needed to help positively identify which spider it was that had injected the venom (different treatments are used for different bites). Symptoms can and do include: itching and discoloration (redness), swelling at injection site, and almost always severe muscle spasms, usually located heaviest in the legs or abdomen. The pain of the muscle spasms is said to be very similar to that of appendicitis or even that of child birth.

Why do Black Widow spiders live in New England?

Spiders are all relatives and when different spiders mate they get different species of spiders. that's how black widow spiders came to england.