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planaria is d animal of group flatworm,and have simple tubular excretory system..

caled protonephridium..

it is d system of cosed tubules without internal openings and spread all over in body..branches are capped by a cellular setup termed as flame cells..

each flaME cell has tuft of cillia..beating of cillia propels interstitial fluid into tubules..which is drained into excretory ducts which is open to d exterior through several nephridiopores..!!

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Worms excrete their waste as castings. The casting are fertile and help the soil thrive and help to keep the forest floors clean by creating new soil.

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Q: What is the process of excretion in a worm?
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What organ contrast the process of excretion with the process of defecation?

The skin and kidneys are involved in excretion, filtering waste products from the blood and expelling them from the body through sweat and urine, respectively. In contrast, the large intestine is responsible for defecation by eliminating solid waste material from the body in the form of feces.

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Many people confuse the process of excretion with the removal of waste products of digestion. Excretion, however, is actually the removal of all the waste products produced by the cells of the body.

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Excretion means getting rid of, the process is the process of getting rid of your excretorial wastes, or your stool.

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The function of the excretory system is called excretion. Excretion is the process of discharging the body's wastes.

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Yes, excretion is a life process that involves the removal of waste products and excess materials from an organism's body. It is essential for maintaining internal balance and ensuring the proper functioning of cells and organs.

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The function of the excretory system is called excretion. Excretion is the process of discharging the body's wastes.

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The function of the excretory system is called excretion. Excretion is the process of discharging the body's wastes.

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It is similar with defecation only in that both help to overcome nitrogenous wastes in the body. Defecation helps to pass out the solid wastes. But defecation can not be called excretion on the physiological grounds as the waste does not cross any semipermeable membrane as is required in the process of excretion.

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Excretion is the process by which waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials are eliminated from an organism. Ligers, though not a natural animal but one made by man breeding two different big cats, has the same excretion process as every other mammal.

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Excretion is the process by which waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials are eliminated from an organism. Ligers, though not a natural animal but one made by man breeding two different big cats, has the same excretion process as every other mammal.