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The liver fluke belongs to the phylum Platyhelminthes. All flukes in this phylum belong to a group referred to as trematodes.

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10y ago
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8y ago

The phylum of the liver fluke, and other trematodes, is Platyhelminthes. This phylum contains other invertebrates with bilateral, unsegmented, soft bodies.

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14y ago

The genus of liverfluke is Fasciola.I'm 12 and I found out from the net.

Anyway, thanks, I got to know something new

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Q: What is the phylum of the liver fluke?
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What phylum is liver flute under?

The liver fluke is a flatworm, phylum Platyhelminthes.

What phylum is a liver fluke?

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Liver flukes phylum?

The liver fluke's phylum is the Platyhelminthes. The liver fluke is a parasitic flatworm that can live in the liver of animals and humans. The Chinese liver fluke can infect a human's liver and can cause symptoms like weight loss and diarrhea.

What class do liver fluke belong to?

Liver flukes belong to the class Trematoda in the phylum Platyhelminthes.

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Tape worm like lung fluke and liver fluke

What class is the liver fluke?

Scientific classification* Domain: Eukarya * Kingdom: Animalia * Subkingdom: Eumetazoa * Superphylum: Platyzoa * Phylum: Platyhelminthes

What is the scientific name of the Chinese liver fluke is?

Clonorchis sinensis (the "Chinese liver fluke" or the "Oriental liver fluke")Dicrocoelium dendriticum (lancet liver fluke)Dicrocoelium hospesFasciola hepatica (the "sheep liver fluke")Fascioloides magna (the "giant liver fluke")Fasciola giganticaFasciola jacksoniMetorchis conjunctusMetorchis albidusProtofasciola robustaParafasciolopsis fasciomorphaeOpisthorchis viverrini (Southeast Asian liver fluke)Opisthorchis felineus (cat liver fluke).Opisthorchis guayaquilensis

What type of skeleton does a liver fluke have?

A liver fluke is an invertebrate, which means it has no skeleton.

Is a liver fluke a warm or cold blooded?

a liver fluke is cold blooded.

Is a liver fluke a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Liver fluke is flat worm and invertebrate .

What kingdom is the liver fluke?

The liver fluke belongs to the kingdom Animalia.

What damages can liver fluke have?

Liver fluke causes damages to the human stomach