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ostia -spongocoel-osculum

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Q: What is the order in which a drop of ink would pass by the structure in a sponge?
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If you drop a sponge on the floor, is the sponge dirty or is the floor clean?

To be completely honest it depends on if your floor is dirty or not. If your floor is really dirty then the sponge is dirty. but in order for your floor to be clean when u 'drop' a sponge you have to apply elbow grease to clean it.

How would i measure the volume of a sponge?

To measure the volume of a sponge, you can submerge it in a known quantity of water in a measuring cup. The increase in water level corresponds to the volume of the sponge. Alternatively, you can also multiply the length, width, and height of the sponge to calculate its volume.

What will happen if we drop a piece of chalk and sponge in to a glass of water?

The chalk will sink, while the sponge will float. The chalk is denser than water, causing it to sink, while the sponge is less dense than water, allowing it to float.

What is the protective cell layer on the outside of a sponge?

The protective cell layer on the outside of a sponge is called the pinacoderm. It is made up of flattened cells called pinacocytes, which help protect the sponge and regulate water flow into the sponge's body.

Why would a kangaroo drop its baby out of its pouch?

Kangaroos do not drop their joeys out of their pouches. There is a myth that some will do this in order to get away from predators, but this does not happen.

Are there colored pine cones?

Yes, but you would have to drop acid first, in order to see them.

Where all could Foot Drop be found?

Foot drop can be ordered online pretty easily. You can order it from eBay , you could also try to order it from Amazon, and that would be pretty cheap as well.

What happens when the person filing a restraining order doesnt show up in court?

The case would be drop

How would you explain the order of operations. How does it affect the value of an expression and why is this important?

You take the caca out the rectum and drop the caca in the toilet. That is the order of operations.

What will happen if you drop a piece of chalk and a sponge into a glass of water?

The chalk will sink to the bottom of the glass, as it is denser than water. The sponge will initially float on the surface due to its lower density, but over time it will absorb water and eventually sink.

What would cause a floor to drop?

A floor could drop due to structural damage, such as rotting wood or compromised support beams. Poor construction or a shift in the building's foundation could also lead to a floor dropping. Ultimately, any factor that weakens the structure of a floor could cause it to drop.

Can a small drop of 3in1 oil be used to lubercate a PS3 controller without damaging?

no, it would damage the controller specifically the buttons and anyway why would u want to lubercate it? if its sticky use a sponge and soap, but dont go near the buttons or you will risk messin up your controller