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Q: What is the number one source of oxygen?
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What is the number one energy source in the oxygen carbon dioxide cycle?

Sunlight is the most important energy source in an oxygen carbon dioxide life cycle.

What is the number one cause of car fire?

Fire. Fire is the number one cause of a car fire. Then you must have an ignition source to start the fire. You also have to have oxygen. Then finally you must have some sort of fuel. Thanks

Are Diatoms important source of oxygen?

Yes they are; diatoms are the main source of oxygen in the universe.

What molecule is the source of oxygen?

oxygen is a molecule

Is water the number one cause of rust?

The number one cause of rust is oxygen. Water accelerates the process but it can't happen without oxygen.

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The number one media source in the United Kingdom in the world famous BBC. It is one of the oldest, and the most trusted, source of media information in Great Britain.

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The number one crop in Florida is oranges.

What is the source of oxygen that is released by a photosynthesis during the light reactions?

The source of Oxygen is the Carbondioxide in the air.

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What connects the oxygen source to the patient?

Whether in home or hospital, plastic tubing connects the oxygen source to the patient.

Which group of organisms is the source or oxygen in the oxygen cycle?
