Their scientific names (Coleoptera, meaning "sheath-winged", and Coccinellidae, meaning "little red sphere") can be quite a mouthful, but by whatever name you call them, Ladybugs are well-known and well-loved all over the Earth. Nearly 400 species of Ladybug live in North America, and there are nearly 5,000 species worldwide. Also commonly known as the Lady Beetle or Ladybird Beetle, the name of these insects reflects the global admiration of mankind. None are much larger than a pencil-eraser (some are even smaller) and they come in a wide variety of colors, including red, orange, pink, yellow and black. They can have as many as 20 spots.....or no spots at all. They're also one of the few insects who hibernate during the winter months (called "over-wintering"), emerging in the spring to lay their eggs.
The name of a ladybug is called the 'elytra'
I think the common name is the ladybug. Some people call it the ladybird beetle. I am going with ladybug. Even I call it the ladybug!
The ladybird or ladybug actually is a family of species, called Coccinellidae. If you want the scientific name a specific ladybug, count the spots, because a species normally has a specific amount of spots.
The scientific name for a ladybug (or ladybird as it is called in most countries) in general is Coccinellidae.Individual species may have a specific scientific name. For example, vibidia duodecimguttata, is the scientific name for a twelve-spotted ladybug.
It is just a name ladybug is a male. thanks
B. It was originally named the Ladybird then became known as the Lady Beetle and then it became known as Ladybug.
it got its name from a lady and a bug
Ladybird (in Britain)
Ladybird in UK
The ladybird beetle.
Chilomenes [ or Cheilomenes] sexmaculata is the Latin or scientific name of the 'six spotted ladybug'.
The ladybird or ladybug actually is a family of species, called Coccinellidae. If you want the scientific name a specific ladybug, count the spots, because a species normally has a specific amount of spots.