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Ogers live forever.

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Q: What is the lifespan of a oger-faced stick spider?
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What is the life span of a white-tailed spider?

The lifespan of the white-tailed spider averages twelve months.

What does spider man use to stick to stuff?

Spider man use Synthetic materials that sticky that help him stick to walls.

Which spider start with the letter s?

Sac spider Scorpion Tailed Spider St. Andrews Cross Spider Spitting Spider Stick Spider

What is the lifespan of a camel spider?

depending if male or female....15-26 days

Can a spider kill a stick bug?

Maybe, this is all dependent upon the specific species of spider and the health and lifecycle of the common stick bug.

How do you beat venom in ultimate spider man?

with a stick

Where can you download Spider-Man man pivot?

go to you tube and write spider-man stick pack

What is a lifespan of a walking stick?

Walking sticks have a life span of about 18 months.

What is the stick used to play billiards called?

'Spider' is the most common, or the 'extended spider', or a 'swan neck' rest.

Are spider monkies endangered?

A spider monkeys lifespan in the wild is about 27 years. The spider monkey is critically endangered. They have a 20% chance of going extinct in the wild within 20 years. The population is estimated at 2,000 in isolated pockets.

Who tried to hit the Zuckerman's spider with a stick in Charlotte's Web?

Lurvy tried to hit Zuckerman's spider, Charlotte, with a stick in "Charlotte's Web." He wanted to get rid of her thinking she was harmful or dangerous.

What is the life cycle of a camel spider?

The male spider will see the female spider and lay his sperm on the ground than take it to the female and stick it into her body.Most camel spider have up to 200 babies but half will die.