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Well you probably already know that organisms need energy from a particular energy source, so if a tick doesn't begin to obtain it's energy it will starve to death. This can take months or even a year before the tick can become deceased.

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Q: What is the life expectancy of a wood tick without blood?
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Life expectancy of a northern California tick?

Who would know the answer to that!!!!! Sorry but, who cares!

What is the life cycle of a tick?

The life cycle of a tick includes egg, larva, nymph, and adult stages. Ticks require blood meals at each stage to transition to the next and can feed on a variety of hosts like mammals, birds, and reptiles. The length of the life cycle varies depending on the tick species and environmental conditions.

How long can a tick live without sucking blood?

I have a tick in a bottle that I caught 8 months ago. All he needs is moisture to stay alive.

Is a wood tick a herbivore?

A wood tick is not an herbivore. It is a parasite that sucks blood.

What is a tick biting a dog to get blood to eat is an example of?

A tick biting a dog to feed on its blood is an example of parasitism, where one organism (the tick) benefits at the expense of the other (the dog). The tick obtains nutrients from the dog's blood while potentially causing harm or discomfort to the dog.

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What is an example of a tick sucking a dogs blood?

Paratism, in which the dog would be the host and the tick would be the parasite, because it depends on the dogs blood.

A tick lives on a dog and feeds upon the dog's blood w hat type of relationship is this?

Well this is a common case of parasite and host. The tick is the type of parasite that keeps its host alive but ticks still carry deadly diseases so the relationship is complicated, but for sure the dog is the host and the tick is the parasite, that does not intentionally kill its host in order to complete its life cycle.

When A tick is feeding on the blood of a dog is an example of what kind of relationship?

This is an example of a parasitic relationship. In this relationship, the tick benefits from feeding on the dog's blood while the dog is harmed by the tick's presence.

What is a tick that feeds on the blood of animals called?

The dog would be a host to the tick.

What does a tick eat off of a cow?


Is a deer tick an omnivore carnivore or herbivore?

A deer tick is a carnivore. It feeds on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles.