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Q: What is the insects turbocharge system for taking in oxygen called?
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Why don't insects have a respiratory system?

Insects do have a respiratory system, but it is different from mammals. They have a network of tubes called tracheae that deliver oxygen directly to their cells. This system is efficient for their small size and helps them survive in various environments.

How is breathing process of an insects different from that of fish?

The way in which insects and fish breathe differs in the process in which each receives oxygen. Insects use a tracheal system to receive oxygen and fish use their gills to filter oxygen out of the water.

Why is closed circulatory system is more efficient than open circulatory system?

not all open circulatory systems transport oxygen. Insects have no oxygen in their blood

I want to get more horsepower out of my 2005 Honda S2000 but don't want to supercharge or turbocharge it What can I do?

get a cooler intake system.

How do insects and birds breathe?

Insects breathe through a system of tiny tubes called tracheae that deliver oxygen directly to their cells. Birds breathe by inhaling air into their lungs which then absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide during exhalation. They have a more efficient respiratory system compared to insects.

Which Organism has no blood but respires?

Insects do not have blood like humans do but instead have a system called hemolymph that helps in respiration through a network of tracheae for gas exchange. This system allows insects to obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide without the need for blood.

What is the function of the tracheal in insects?

The tracheal system in insects functions to transport oxygen directly to the tissues through a network of tubes called tracheae, eliminating the need for blood to transport oxygen. This system allows for efficient gas exchange, enabling insects to thrive in various environments with high oxygen demands.

What is the main function of the circulatory system in a multicellular organism?

For non-insects, its the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and wastes away from the cells.

What is the name of the respritory system of insects?

Insects breathe though spiracles (holes) in their abdomen (butt). The air disperses through a network of tubes in the body called trachea, where the oxygen reaches the organs. So it's direct air flow, not carried by the blood like in us vertebrates. The 'blood' (haemolymph) of insects is involved in nutrient dispersal and immunity only.

Do insects have an integumentary system?

Insects do have an integumentary system. In addition to insects, lice, spiders, mites, centipedes, and crustaceans have an integumentary system.

How does oxygen reach the inside of an insects body?

an insect is made up of cells so if oxygen is touching the insect it pretty much is at the cells of the insect its totally wrong don't listen to this person their saying preatty much because they don't know take my advise

Grasshopper breathing structure?

Grasshoppers have a system of tracheal tubes that deliver oxygen directly to their body tissues. Air enters the body through small openings called spiracles and travels through the tracheal tubes to reach cells for respiration. This efficient respiratory system allows grasshoppers to obtain enough oxygen to support their high metabolic rate and active lifestyle.