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Tentacles are used for feeding, feeling, and grasping

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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Santosh Sah

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โˆ™ 2y ago
Write the function of tentacles
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Paulina Lopez

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โˆ™ 3y ago

What si the funciรณn of a squid,s

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Q: What is the function of tentacles?
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What is one function of the tentacles of an oyster?

Tentacles, along the edge of the oyster's mantle, are organs of sense.

What is the function of the arms and tentacles of a squid?

The tentacles serve as a mean to catch prey and suffocate it so do the arms

How do tentacles function on a hydra?

there is no function. asians use them for their tentacle porn though.

What is the function of a squid's tentacles?

to swim in circles like *blub blub blub*

Whatn is the function of the arms and tentacles?

The tentacles serve as a mean to catch prey and suffocate it so do the arms

An organism has receptors on tentacles that come out of its head but if those tentacles were cut off in an accident what life function would be most hampered?

It would be unable to sense the conditions of its external environment

What do the arms of the squid do?

Squids have four pairs of arms and a pair of tentacles. The tentacles are longer than the arms. The tentacles perform the function of grabbing prey and holding on to it. There are hooks on the arms as well as the tentacles of squids but the ones on the tentacles can swivel while those on the arm cannot. These help squids hold on to their prey better while the prey tries to escpe. Suckers are present on both the arms as well as the tentacles of squids, though the ones on the arms are bigger.

What is the cilia function in a animal cell?

Cilia and flagella help the cell to 'swim' in the body and move around. They're like tails or tentacles.

What does feeding tentacles mean?

Feeding tentacles are tentacles (boneless muscular appendages) which are used to grab food.

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Do corals have tentacles?

yes they do have tentacles , surrounding their mouth.

Does shrimp have tentacles?

Yes, shrimp have five tentacles.