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An example of insects with hairy wings are caddisflies. They are closely related to butterflies and moths and actually have two sets of hairy wings.

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Q: What is the example of hairy wings in insect?
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Does insect fly?

Not all insects fly. For example Bedbugs are a true insect that does not have wings.

What is a caddis fly?

A caddis fly is an insect of the order Trichoptera with two pairs of hairy wings, found near lakes and streams.

Does every insect fly?

Not all insects fly. For example Bedbugs are a true insect that does not have wings.

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no,because caterpillar does not have wings and it is an insect.

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The wings are fixed to the thorax.

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Some inherited traits that an insect may have are hair color, muscle structure, and wings. An inherited trait is one that comes from a parent or ancestor.

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