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Plant nectar mainly contains three different sugars: glucose, fructose, and sucrose (which is a combination of a glucose and a fructose molecule). Different varieties of plant have these in different ratios. Enzymes in a bee's saliva break the sucrose molecule into fructose and glucose.

Honey that is mainly glucose normally remains clear and runny, whereas honey that is mainly fructose sets and becomes granular.

Cream (or creamed) honey is honey with a high fructose content but where the granulation has been controlled to keep the granule size small so the honey has a velvety texture.

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There is no such thing as "regular bees". Each species of bee has a name.

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Q: What is the difference between honey bees and regular bees?
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What is the difference between clover honey and regular honey?

Clover honey IS regular honey. It just means that the bees have spent most of their time foraging on and collecting nectar from clover. There is also acacia, manuka, wild flower and heather honey amongst others.

What is the difference between acacia honey and regular honey?

Honey made by bees that draw pollen from acacia flowers has a milder, more floral taste than regular (clover) honey. It is also much softer in consistency, with an almost glasslike appearance. Unlike clover honey, it does not crystallize.

Do bees like fragrensed honey or regular honey more?

Bees prefer regular honey over fragranced honey. Fragranced honey can disrupt the natural pheromones in the beehive and may cause confusion among the bees. It's best to keep honey in its natural state to avoid any potential issues with the bees.

How do you tell honey bee from africanized bee?

There is no obvious physical difference between Africanized honey bees and European honey bees. The only way of distinguishing is by DNA analysis.

What is the difference between bumble bees and boring bees?

bumble bees= honey bees and the ones that pollinate things boring bees= the ones that sting you and then die

What is the difference between Africanized bees and honey bees?

africanized bees are more aggressive and attack whatever approaches their hive. also called killer bees

What is the difference between ground bees and regular bees?

By ground bee I am assuming that you meant the bees that burrow rather than building comb in a tree or other tall place.Specifically speaking all bees are members of the family Apidae.The European Honey Bee is actually unusual considering that it is eusocial when most of the varieties of bee are solitary.The most specific difference between digger bees and "normal" honey bees is the way in which they build their nest.Digger bees can build only smaller nests with one piece of comb, and generally there is not many offspring nor much honey stored.Honey bees build much larger nests with several hanging pieces of comb. There is an entire colony with the queen bee, offspring is constantly taken care of though numbers do depend on how available food is, and there is a plethora of stored honey, but in the wild it also depends on how available food is, and in what season.

What is sticky and sweet and comes from bees?

honey hence the name honey bees Honey bees also produce bees wax by converting honey.

What does the honey bee and the killer bee have in common?

A "killer bee" IS a honey bee- they are both Apis mellifera, the European honey bee. The difference with killer bees, otherwise known as Africanized honey bees, is that they are hybridized with African honey bees. The hybrid produced is normal in most regards, except that when their hive is threatened they respond in much greater numbers and with more ferocity. With regular honey bees, the response to a threat is dependent on the severity; if you stand outside a beehive and knock on it, you may only get stung a few times or not at all. With Africanized honey bees, however, they are more likely to swarm and attack. Otherwise, besides a few minor differences in nest structure and appearance, they are the same.

Do killer bees live in Texas?

Yes, killer bees, also known as Africanized honey bees, have been reported in Texas. They are more aggressive than regular honey bees and are known to have established colonies in various parts of the state. It is important to be cautious around these bees and take necessary safety measures.

Were honey cam from?

Honey comes from Bees like Honey Bees.

Are honey bees made out of honey?

No, honey bees are insects that produce honey as a food source. Honey bees collect nectar from flowers and use it to make honey, which they store in their hives as a source of energy. Honey bees are not made out of honey.