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Q: What is the ants name from The Ant and the Grasshopper?
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Why does Ant have so much food in ''Ant and grasshopper''?

Because the ants save food for winter over the summer.

What is the climax of a story the grasshopper and the ant?

The winter comes and the grasshopper after having played around all summer has no food. The grasshopper begs the ant for food to which the ant declines.

What is the difference between a grasshopper and an ant?

There are many differences when it comes to grasshoppers and ants. Grasshoppers can jump and ants cannot. They also eat different things, and an ant does not make any noises.

Where did ants get there name?

an ant gets it name by bein dan ant duuhh

What are the characters in the story the ant and the grasshopper?

Ant and Grasshopper

What is the exposition of the story ant and grasshopper?

The ant and his family work hard and steadily to provide food and shelter for their family. The grasshopper played all day with his family and did not do the work to prepare for hard times.

What is the scientific name of ants?

Ants in general don't have a scientific name, each species of ant has scientific names. for example: - Jerdon's jumping ant (species of ant found in India) sci name: Harpegnathos saltator - Weaver ant (found in Australia & asia) sci name: Oecophylla smaragdina Get my point? Hope I helped anyway

What is the name of house of ants?

ant hill

Scientific name of the ant?

The scientific name of the ant is Formicidae, a family within the order Hymenoptera. The taxonomy of ants is complex, with over 12,000 identified species worldwide, each with its unique scientific name.

Army fire and carpenter are types of what insect?

These are types of ants - army ants and carpenter ants. Army ants are known for their aggressive behavior and large colonies that move together in search of food. Carpenter ants are known for building their nests in wood by excavating galleries, but they do not consume the wood as termites do.

How did the insect Ants get their name?

ants got their name because ant means the biter in a different language

What is a name of group of ant?

A group of ants is a colony.