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"Drone" is the popular term for an unmanned aircraft. It is still a UAV however a drone is flown by software with pre-programmed behavior save for additional commands by the operators (example the RQ-11 Raven, RQ-7B Shadow). A UAV is a remotely piloted aircraft, it is flown "stick and rudder"(example MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper, Warrior-Alpha).

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Q: What is the Difference between UAV and Drones?
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What is the difference between UAV and aircraft?

A UAV is an un-manned aerial vehicle, and aircraft has a pilot or pilots.

How many UAV recon drones were flown over North Vietnam?

About 5,000 Ryan Firebee UAV missions were flown over enemy territory (North Vietnam) during the war.

What does UAV stand for?

UAV's (inspection drones) offer a professional solution to your needs, its an state of the art professional grade unmanned air systems, which are backed by experience and full insurance. Operating with UAV's, commercially and from a military perspective. Having spent some time with the British Army's Phoenix UAV in Kosovo at the peak of the conflict in 1999. For more information regarding on the UAV Inspection, visit the mention site.

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Drones are male, they don't lay eggs; only the queen bee can lay eggs.

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UAV operators in the United States Navy (USN) are drawn from two different training pools. The soon to be fielded X47 carrier launched drones utilize test pilots who have completed USN undergraduate flight training. UFT is where pilots earn there flight wings, and learn other skills such as survival, evasion and resistance (SERE) training. Helicopter type drones can be piloted by flight school trained pilots, and drone schooled specific operators.

How many kills does it take to get a uav with hardline?

2 for a UAV, 3 for a Counter-UAV

How do you restore a uav in cod6?

Whenever someone calls in a Counter-UAV, it will be in the sky and it looks just like a UAV. Shoot it down and your UAV will be restored.

What is a drone strike?

Drones are officially well-known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Basically, a drone is a flying machine. The Drone may be remotely controlled or can fly unconventionally through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems working in conjunction with GPS. UAV, is preprogrammed prior to flight to do a specific set of tasks on a specific flight path.

What is drone strikes?

Drones are officially well-known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Basically, a drone is a flying machine. The Drone may be remotely controlled or can fly unconventionally through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems working in conjunction with GPS. UAV, is preprogrammed prior to flight to do a specific set of tasks on a specific flight path.

What is the first uav of India?

it may be UAV GARUDA

When did UAV Corporation end?

UAV Corporation ended in 2006.