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Q: What is the Behavioral adaptation of a jellyfish?
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Behavioral adaptation

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A behavioral adaptation

What adaptation is hibernating?

Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation. A behavioral adaptation is when a animal changes its behavior.

Is swimming a physical or behavioral adaptation?

It is a behavioral adaptation. You are changing how you behave. Not how your body looks.

What type of adaptation is nocturnal?

A behavioral adaptation

How would you use behavioral adaptation in a sentence?

Our teacher explained behavioral adaptation in psychology class.Storing nuts for the winter is a behavioral adaptation. Most animals have some sort of behavioral adaptation to their environment.

What is a behavioral adaptation of a trumpeter swan?

I think a behavioral adaptation is their aggressiveness, which they use to protect themselves and their young.

Is hibernation an adaptation?

it is a behavioral adaptation because it is doing it EX. a bear hibernates :-)

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What are the behavioral adaptation of slater's?

Slater's, also known as woodlice or pillbugs, exhibit behavioral adaptations such as curling into a ball as a defense mechanism, seeking out damp environments to avoid desiccation, and feeding on decaying organic matter to obtain nutrients. They are also able to dig into soil or hide in crevices to protect themselves from predators.