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Bumble bees range in size from 1.2 cm to 1.5 cm. They can weigh anywhere from .05 grams to .85 grams depending on the species.

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Q: What is the Average size of a bumble bee?
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Related questions

Where can I buy a bumble bee costumes?

You can find a bumble bee costume quickly and at reasonable prices at The site should have all your costume needs including both adult and kid size bumble bee costumes.

What is a yellow jackets size?

A Yellow Jacket is the size of a small bee like a baby bumble bee.

Is a honey bee or bumble bee larger?

Bumble bee.

Can you please tell me what is a blackfurry flying bug about the size of a bumble bee with a brown tip on its end?

Not quite enough information to determine the variety, but from the description it probably is a bumble bee. There are over 200 varieties of bumble bee worldwide.

What is the size of a bumble bee?

Bumble bees vary in size depending on the species, but they typically range from 0.4 to 1 inch in length. They are larger and more robust than honey bees, with a hairy body and distinct color patterns.

Who is bumble bee in the Simpsons?

Bumble bee is a camaro

What type of animal is bumble bee?

A bumble bee is an insect.

How is a bumble bee different from a humble bee?

"Bumble bee" and "humble bee" actually refer to the same type of bee. The correct term is "bumble bee," and it is a large, hairy bee known for its characteristic buzzing sound and pollination activity. "Humble bee" is a less commonly used term for the same insect.

What family is a bumble bee?

The bumble fee is in the Apidae family. The order of the bumble bee is Hymenoptera.

When was Bumble Bee Foods created?

Bumble Bee Foods was created in 1910.

Is the autobot bumble bee a Scout?

Yes the autobot bumble bee is an autobot scout.

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