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Phytoplankton is smaller than zooplankton because it eats phytoplankton.

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Q: What is smaller than zooplankton?
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Do zooplankton make their own food?

A ZooPlankton Eats Anything , But It Has To Be Smaller Than Its Self .

Do shrimp eat zooplankton?

Shrimp eat zooplankton because they are smaller then shrimp

Do bacteria eat zoolpankton?

No, only in the fact that they feed on decomposing matter which may consist of zooplankton, but they do not feed on live zooplankton since they are much smaller.

What do zooplankton eat?

Zooplankton eat phytoplankton, other zooplankton, and decomposing matter. "Zooplankton" refers to small aquatic animals. The "zoo-" prefix refers to animals, as in zoology, and zoo (which is short for "zoological garden".

Are zooplankton herbivores?

Zooplankton can be herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. Some zooplankton species primarily feed on phytoplankton, which are microscopic plants, making them herbivores. Other zooplankton species may feed on smaller animals or detritus, classifying them as carnivores or omnivores.

What looks like a shrimp but smaller and eats phytoplankton?

I believe these are known as zooplankton.

Does plankton eat other plankton?

Yes, some plankton are carnivorous and feed on other smaller plankton species. These plankton are often referred to as zooplankton and play an important role in marine food webs by consuming phytoplankton and smaller zooplankton.

How many cells are in plankton?

The number of plankton is uncountable, even if you were to try to determine specie count rather than population. Plankton include many creatures - bacteria, algae, various protozoa, diatoms, etc - that drift in the ocean and are food for many marine animals. There are phytoplankton that make their own food via photosynthesis. Zooplankton eat phytoplankton or smaller zooplankton. Bigger animals eat the zooplankton, and so on.

What do zooplakton eat?

Zooplankton primarily feed on phytoplankton (microscopic algae), bacteria, and other organic matter found in the water column. Some zooplankton species are herbivores, while others are carnivores that prey on smaller zooplankton or detritus. Grazing on phytoplankton is an essential part of the marine food web, as zooplankton serve as a crucial link between primary producers and higher trophic levels.

What are the two types of planktons?

Phytoplankton and zooplankton

Can zooplankton eat seaweed and what can eat zooplankton?

no zooplankton dont eat seaweed, and krill eats zooplankton, some whales eat zooplankton, there are also others i cant think of

Is a zooplankton a producer or consumer?

It is a consumer. It feeds on particles.