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Q: What is diatoms scientific name?
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What is the scientific name for a diatom?

The scientific name for diatoms is Bacillariophyta.

What is a scientific name for diatoms?

The scientific name for diatoms is Bacillariophyta.

What is scientific name of diatoms?

The scientific name for diatoms is Bacillariophyta. These are a type of algae that are known for their unique silica cell walls.

What is the scientific name for diatoms?

I think it is just that. They are algae with a siliceous case. Others correct if necessary.

What is the phylum name for diatoms?


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What are the common names and scientific names of protists?

Common names for protists can vary widely, but some examples include amoebas (Amoeba proteus), paramecia (Paramecium caudatum), and diatoms (Diatoms). The scientific classification of protists is complex due to their diversity, but they are generally grouped into multiple kingdoms such as Protista and various phyla based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Which diatoms can move around the best?

pennate diatoms

Who discovered diatoms?

The discovery of diatoms as a type of algae is usually credited to the Danish naturalist Otto Friedrich Müller in the late 18th century. However, they were likely observed by others before him. The first detailed scientific description of diatoms was published by the French biologist and botanist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1802.

Are diatoms classified as chrysophytes?

Yes, diatoms are classified within the division Chrysophyta, which includes golden-brown algae like diatoms.

Is diatoms a decomposer?

diatoms are producers, not decomposers. they are photosynthetic organisms