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Q: What is common in earthworm and man?
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The most common earthworm in Honduras is the Columbus Worm.

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Scientific name for earthworm?

Genus-Lumbricus. Species-L. terrestris. ~v~

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What species do earthworms belong in?

There are many, many species of earthworm. The Common Earthworm, which is the species I think most are used to seeing belongs to the species Lumbricus terrestris.

How earthworm copulation is accomplished?

they just see another earthworm with a clitellum and instinctively mate

What digestive organs do the squid and earthworm have in common?

i dont know but i have to for my bio lab.

What is common name of megascolex?

South Indian Earthworm is the common name of megascolex. Its scientific name is Pheritima Posthuma.

If a man lets an earthworm go inside his penis what will happen to him and the earthworm?

Earthworms are VERY unique creatures, unlike any other insect, earthworms only eat fertalized substance, such as dirt and mud. They do not eat flesh, never have and never will. If a man were to let an earthworm go inside his penis, the earthworm will do no harm, it would simply just move around looking for food, since earthworms have to constantly keep eat to continue producing its semen and to stay alive. Of course, letting an earth worm inside a man's penis can be VERY dangerouse to him, but no harm to the earthworm, in other words, it would be opposite, it will actually be the earthworms ultimate strength and a weekness to the man. Sperm is made and stored in the epididymis of the male, and is actually made out of food (sugars), proteins, and enzymes to help aid in the fertilization. Of course, sperm may not me a tasty meal for the man, but its the ultimale steroid use for the earthworm. If the earthworm were to find the epidermis, it can actually attach its mouth inside it, meaning when ever the man is in a sexual translation or producing new sperm, the earthworm would be obsorbing it and actually eating it but using the proteins and enzyms to help it stay alive.